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Memorable Internal

4 weeks of hectic schedule, and I’m starting to ponder over my experience in Adam Malik’s Internal..

-5 Attempts of CPR, only manage to recover patient’s heartbeat on the fifth attempt, with help from a cardiologist and NE, but it only manage to give her extra couple minutes…
– One 06 koas berlagak in front of me during my trip to answer consult in Surgery’s Department, merely because she is 06.
– Found out from rumours there’re PPDS who doesn’t know how to differentiate Paracetamol and Salbutamol, often test us with questions but highly possible that he doesn’t know the answers.
– Kinda pity the PPDSs, pay to work a tough job! You gotta be really rich to do this. Plus, koas often try to avoid carrying out tasks for them.
– Started to miss the hectic life, bed in koas room + COW’s laughter…

我思 故 我攒

I’ve witnessed several times, where someone recovered from a heart-broking incident, alteration in mental behaviour and attitude started to take control.

经一事,长一智。 Life is indeed like an sine graph, uphills and downhills and waiting for us everywhere, fell and grow are just stuff and spice of life. Some people would started to intensify their selfishness after being mistrust or betrayed, this has nothing to be fear as it’s a natural phenomenon programmed in our genes’ core by our so called Creator. What I really deplore is certain people might think they have grown “mature”! In fact, it’s just an activation of our self-protecting mechanism (psychologically speaking) and we are not being mature but “cynic” (anthropologically speaking)

Couple thousand years of civilization, yet the breakthrough of human mindset is still pathetic and pitiful.

Really wonder why God created “selfishness and cynicism” in this world……





下:复仇幽灵, 潮水猎人


上:细细粒, 水蛭


下:Naix, 狮子

第一兵符 – 隐形由OD所得,面对龙女,并无用武之地。第一兵符乃兵家必争之地, 天灾归为卫冕亚军竟不谙此理,在半小时不到兵败如山倒,亦在意料之中。

第五分钟,TH在VS和沙王紧密配合下率先取得FB,OD亦在同时farm 出PT,让我方赢得头彩。第七分钟,细细粒再度丧命,让early game 的他大大吃亏。十一分钟之内,OD二度丧命于龙女与细细粒夹攻之下,让他们填补了先前farming 与死亡的劣势。

十二分钟,沙王在上路成功对水蛭,龙女和狮子使出绝招,可惜功亏一篑,还被敌方反将一军,不过在圣骑士拼死掩护之下,不致丧命,但已让敌方把比数拉成 5 – 5。下路的TH与VS因配合上的失误,让naix躲过TH绝招,成功将VS击杀。敌方反超前, 5 – 6领先。

转折点在第十四分钟,沙王在中路发现细细粒,飞奔将其晕中,圣骑士后加一计 repel 与沙王身上,龙女尝试使用绝招救伙伴,不果。近卫人马见机不可失,一呼而上,在混战中将敌方四人击杀,再夺一塔,以 9 – 6 反超。

十七分钟,沙王买出匕首,敌我双方列阵中路,龙女与naix欲从森林突击圣骑士,没察OD在后见状,即场使出绝招重创二人并将其解决。龙女临死使出绝招,反而适得其反,将水蛭绝招化为无效,可谓失策至极!敌方虽折损两员且水蛭耗尽绝招,仍不知好歹,盲目冲前,细细粒首当其冲,在TH + VS + OD 火力全开的猛攻之下,当场一命呜呼!TH 绝招连销带打,击中随后而上的水蛭, OD附加两计将其轰死。沙王赶至中路,五人齐追狮子,VS 使出看家本领 - 移形换位, 让OD击杀,取得TK。此时比数为 14 – 6。

第二十分钟,沙王率先移位下路防守,圣骑士与VS后发而至,虽成功守塔,却在狮子与水蛭双重绝招下寡不敌众,圣骑士与沙王与水蛭玉石俱焚。OD 从后包抄,将naix秒杀,再而买出绵羊刀。 以二换二,16 – 8。

二十三分钟,OD 取得神速兵符欲展开突击,不料孤身犯险的 TH 遇敌,吃下连连重击,幸得圣骑士以医疗+绝招相救,方保住性命。近卫五将以长虹之势,在第二十五分钟攻克上路,OD 再次取得TK。比数已成 23 – 8, 可说大局已定。TH 在二十六分钟取得隐形兵符,更在 repel 的掩护下对龙女发动绝招,龙女欲睡之不果,只好以网锁之,但难逃被 OD 羊住,一击毙命! 龙女一死,下路,中路接连被破。31 – 9 顺利过关。











战鼓一响,regen 兵符由 OM取得,我方中路由神话POTM把关,自然万无一失,在第二分钟把Mor打盛80hp,第四分钟取得FB!下路有狮子与OM狂晕Tro与沙王,令对方束手无策。OM更连连取得首三颗兵符,对方虽有眼睛却对兵符不闻不问,实属失策!话虽如此,我方上路却被Ven与NS压得透不过气,在七分钟时,老虎移守上路,好让Rik专注中路。下方的狮子也到六级了,使出绝招与OM合力将Tro击杀。

我方八分钟才买了眼睛,还是得由老虎来买 @.@,放了眼睛顺势取得隐形兵符,欲杀中路Mor,不料晕箭没中,对方冲水而退,得靠跳跃将Mor击杀。NS与Ven哪能忍受POTM在自己地盘放肆,欲除之而后快,所幸临危不乱的老虎以刁钻诡异的步伐,加上准确无误的绝招化险为夷,真不愧是神话老虎!下路的狮子虽然以一敌二,依然驾轻就熟地用绝招将Tro击杀,就连沙王也落荒而逃。


值得嘉许的是,十五分钟沙王装了眼睛被我方眼利的OM识破,再用老虎将之拆除。OM 再取得隐形兵符,尾随Tro到上路,发现了Mor,出其不意的将他晕中,与Rik合力将Mor 与Tro解决,Rik在十九分钟买出SNY。全能骑士与老虎随后赶来,Rik取下一塔。

第二十分钟,双方人马列阵近卫中路,OM与狮子巧遇回防中的NS与Ven,当场快刀斩乱麻使用绝招干掉了Ven,令对方骤失一员大将。我方因对守塔有所顾忌,而近卫也不采取主动出击,进进退退中,Mor吃了老虎一箭,我方见机不可失,Rik立即使用蓝烟,将Mor击毙。狮子与OM也将NS和沙王晕中,再让Rik以散华对剑再取二人性命,得到TK。沙王虽在临死前使出绝招,但对hp上千的全能骑士与Rik而言,已无伤大雅。复活后的NS,Ven和沙王欲复仇,却白白断送性命,老虎买出散失之刃,此时已成比数 2 – 17,可说大局已定。


二十八分钟,老虎取得regen兵符,与狮子趋向中路欲连同Rik施展埋伏,不料Rik在短短三秒内解决了Ven。对方NS与Tro大吃一惊,拔腿就跑,老虎及时赶上一leap,让Rik单枪匹马将NS就地正法,狮子欲偷吃Tro不果,让老虎拿下一分。森林中的Mor瞄准时机欲偷袭Rik,却被剩下60hp的Rik反杀,天灾再拿下一塔,近卫可说是背了夫人又折兵,比数已成 2 – 28,Rik买出蝴蝶。

三十分钟近卫趋向我方中路,半途却夹攻下路的OM。但千七命的OM岂有轻易丧命之理,险中逃生,加上我方人员赶到支援,叫对方NS赔了性命。 Rik在三十二分钟夺去复活石,作为天灾进攻中路的准备。在OM辅助下,Rik成功以三下取Ven性命,斩至红命的Mor却被狮子偷吃了!。天灾一鼓作气,老虎晕中NS,OM晕中Tro,Rik与全能骑士见机不可失,各自将NS, Tro,拿下,只有狮子在此时不知所措。而Ven也在队友丧命后,独自来送死。

三十四分钟,天灾攻克中路,转攻下路,OM却莫名其妙独自跑去森林 @.@ 天灾联合四人之力夹攻Mor,被对手冲水而退,老虎漠视敌方阵营奋勇而leap,大伙儿见状,也一呼而上。狮子与Rik各自将Tro和沙王拿下,天灾五位神将却吃了沙王与Ven两大绝招,各自夺门而逃,唯Rik在复活石之下不致死亡,穷追我方的Mor也被砍死。五人之中除狮子外,均以50hp保住性命,“神将”之名,当之无愧!虽未能攻破下路,却把差距拉成 3 – 38了。

三十七分钟,Rik在森林埋伏Ven与Mor,散华对剑 + 蝴蝶 + 狂战斧五秒内取二人性命可说是轻而一举。狮子再将NS羊住,让Rik乘势而上,自己偷吃不果,却让Rik得以TK。过后,在全能骑士的“守护天使”下,天灾五位神将进入雷池展开大屠杀,Rik率先解决Ven,狮子再击毙Mor,又再偷吃NS失败,让NS成为Rik刀下亡魂。临死之前的Rik还把Tro在雷池旁歼灭,取得TK ,4 – 45 收场。

bclon 首次在赛事中展开疯狂杀戮,令全场观众哗然!












bclon 之 传奇水蛭

敌方上路的斧王与CM一点也不争气,竟让我方优哉闲哉的点兵,毫无把握本身 early game 优势将我方打压。直到三分钟斧王绑了ES,CM 接连将之冰住。但身经百战的ES岂有束手就擒之理,马上以两招晕了斧王,又在VS解围之下脱困。ES第一招也封住了斧王退路,让VS仅以25hp取得FB,但也让CM拾了死鸡。CM再开一招,不过这次却让ES以6hp逃出生天。


ES顺势与VP夹击中路的老虎,不果。再获隐性兵符往上路静候良机。复活的SS赶往下路战场,此时的水蛭已6级,赶紧逮住良机,大开绝招。2级的SS即可怜,又无奈,只能任人鱼肉,再下地府。上路ES成功将CM晕了并封其退路,另加VS强力一晕!只听现场传来CM尖叫,呜呼哀哉!同伙的斧王还在此时不自量力,以身挡兵,结果VS + ES两招一到,就这样下了黄泉路与CM相见。

下路SS苦苦等了八分钟才熬到了3级,这时的水蛭已至7级,仅次VP 1级。纳闷的是,水蛭像发白日梦一样懵喳喳,叫了买眼睛叫了三次才看见 。到了十二分钟,SS终于熬到4 级,可惜噩梦又来了,他再次无可奈何地命丧水蛭绝招下。

十六分钟,VP  ES  VS在对方森林里展开搜索,VP 冷不防地中了斧王的绑与老虎的晕箭,附近的ES一开绝招就与VS联手把斧王干掉,奄奄一息的老虎也接踵而死,剩下有绝招护身的LOA,也在片刻后撒手人间。此时已 17 – 2,对方平均一分钟死一次,ES也买出匕首,可说大局已定。

十九分钟,VP作状进攻上路,让ES与VS埋伏森林,却被天灾识破,绕入森林瞄准ES先发制人,无奈强弱悬殊,VP与VS各自将老虎与CM解决,化险为夷。VP再次被斧王绑着,被随后赶来的骑士一heal,斧王就这样入土为安了!剩下的LOA又再被三人围攻,由VP毒死。此时比数已成 22 – 4,终于突破了1die/min的方程式。

二十分钟,天灾五人复活,欲从上路赶往防守中路,不幸的被我方眼睛察觉,水蛭间机不可失,马上丢出绝招 + shiva。CM当场返魂乏术,但我方VS却被斧王击毙,VP怒不可遏,猛轰斧王为战友报仇。其余四人也将老虎剁成老虎肉酱,天灾仅活的只有等级最低的8级SS与LOA。

二十二分钟,近卫欲攻中路,ES在绝招没好就匕首,虽然犯了严重失误,却也误打误撞,吓得对手无乱飞奔。混乱之中,CM对ES施展绝招,但被骑士化解,水蛭也轻而易举的拿下斧王。CM欲对ES穷追猛打,却被后发而至的VP毒死。骑士在我方深入敌营之际施展拿手好戏“守护天使”,更令近卫兵马肆无忌惮,骑士与VP各自将LOA与SS拿下,本以为老虎已经逃出生天,但被VS 绝招加晕,最后让水蛭以绝招偷吃,对方全军覆没,中路被破。

二十四分钟,骑士买出绵羊刀!二十六分钟,VP与ES联手欲攻上路,ES再次在没有医疗支援情况下断送性命与CM手中,驰聘战场的VP不消片刻将CM打垮,再顺序斩杀老虎,福王,破塔,再灭LOA,在观众们群情汹涌之下得到UK。 详细战情总是一面倒,“Owning 声”此起彼落,写多了也让人觉得乏味,最后 64 – 11 ,为本年度赛事划上完美的休止符



The Memoirs of bclon ( 2008 ~ 2011 )

bclon 回忆录 (二零零八 ~ 二零一一)


忠伟  共勉之

A month of Radioation

A month had passed in a blink of an eye. I no longer enjoy myself with the gentle caress from the morning sun ray since the middle of 2nd week. Instead, I chose to build better rapport with my mattress and blanket every morning. Time flies when we were loaded with duties for second week, with earlier dismissal for Friday and Saturday. Recurrence of my idiopathic headache is getting less frequent, perhaps it’s a sign of me getting used to the crowded space and low ceiling in Radiology.

As we entered 3rd week, things started to get more and more interesting. However, our expectation is not fulfill as we actually have no activity on the first day, and learn nothing much on the second day. Good news is we get 1 day of holiday because of Chinese New Year. On the contrary, I gave myself a deep sigh, “This is my 5th time without celebrating CNY in hometown….” Every year of this moment, I tend to recite to myself “独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲”

In the final week, we presented our lapkas and confronted post test with a bit of excitement and imperfection. My FH3 has been faithfully helping me to record memories of our first department. Hope you enjoy yourself with the outcome:

A Week of Radiation!

Day 1(Sunny) – My biological alarm clock urged me to wake up at sharp 6. Instinctively, I reached for my K770i while struggling to open my eyelids. It was 5.55am, 5 minutes before my alarm. I landed on my feet and ascend towards my balcony on 3rd floor. Gasping for fresh air after sleeping in my mosquito-repellent-filled room. My mind turned alert enough and all was ready to go.

Students like me waited in some sort of conference room before 7am. Unfortunately, we waited for about 45 minutes before the officer / admin start working on dispatching students to respective departments. We were told during angkat sumpah “You can come at 630, you can come at 645, you can come at 6; but you cannot come at 7.01am”. Fine then, as we were waiting aimlessly and whining about our hunger in the stuffy room, I decided to let my FH3 to do his job.

My group finished filling in forms and were dispatched on 10am. 5 of us decided to comfy ourselves by taking blue bird to adam malik. By the time we undergo lots and lots of registering, signing in, checking in and so so so. We actually started to have our briefing about 1130am. Its basically about our pretest is gonna be held on Wednesday and the duty for first week is to observe how the radiology staff carry out their duties.

Time reached 2pm. Sign off and lets go!

Day 2(Sunny) – I left house at sharp 7 to reach there before 8. I like the scenery during day time as I was travelling in angkot. Everything seems fresh and new and gave me a refined vigour especially the morning sunlight that reflected into my sight as if millions of golden rays.

I stepped in at 730am, and found myself the second earliest soul to be there. (The one earlier than me is actually the whitewing and she was sweeping the floor reverently. Working Hours for us is suppose to be 8am – 2pm, though we were briefed yesterday that we could arrived by 830am, I still hold on to my punctuality principle. However, we actually start executing tasks at 9am, there’s some will come at 845am and feel nothing wrong about that.

We met our dosen pembimbing for laporan kasus, besides taking down patient’s data with some details, it was another day of observing and chit chatting. Waited till 2pm: Times up! Lets go home and study pre test.

Day 3(Sunny) – Pre test day. We were told to buy a book of 600+ pages despite the fact that we only have 1 and a half day to study for pre test. Our pre test paper consists of 10 MCQ and 5 structural questions. Not to say easy nor hard. Witness some cases like post atresia ani, 3 weeks old baby with CHF ec VSD ASD, and another baby with head as big as honeydew. Banu and Simran exchanged views about life and expressed their own philosophies, kinda enjoy listening to my groupmates talking little bit of this that. Working hours is boring to be written down, we looked kinda idle while the radiologist staff walking in out in out with patients or films. We seem useless and unproductive, good thing is we get saturday off due to wisuda, looking forward to my second week of radiation.

Feel that something wrong is in my head, as if something is inside, and I guess the X ray machines and making it worse, (Radiation, please dont kill me!) let’s hope it gets well soon.. Dedicating the photo below to my groupmates while signing off.























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20 / 10 / 2010

If there were so call end-times created by God as written in Books of Revelation, prediction by Maya in 2012, hypothetical theories such as Sun used up, massive melting of ice bergs and so on,  I would like to experience it once in my life, see how humans face the challenge of God, and how we recover from the damage of mother nature

The survivors after the Great Armageddon, would have to bear the responsibilities and honor to restart the civilization of man kind. Interesting part is, man kind hardly repent even though we knew we made a mistake, unless we reach the edge of cliff and we have no choice but to realise that there’s no way out of this world. Civilization took place thousands of years ago, but till today, we still preserved those unhumaned, animal-like features in us.

We fight, we quarrel, we lie, we cheat.

If this were to be explained by "Human consists of vice and virtues" theory, I would be sad to think that vices can easily take over our virtues in the blink of an eye. Sad? Please think on the contrary:

In any form of religion, God took the first step to forgive men, men did not took initiative to apologize and seek for forgiveness. If God waited for our apology and gave us the salvation after that, men will never be saved. Similarly, if Abraham Lincoln put his pride and selfishness as priority, enjoyed his living as President of US and never fought for the Blacks for equal rights, perhaps Blacks will still be enslaved in US. If Martin Luther King just sat at home and give up courage to march for US, the famous speech "I Have A Dream" will not exist and Black can never be President of US. If Mahatma Gandi has not committed his life to his beliefs in peace and love, India will not enjoyed Independence Day. If Sun Yat Sen is afraid to risk his life against Dynasty Qing, China will not encounter revolution and transform into a republic country.

What we have at this moment, is not what we fought for ourselves, but because of somebody in somewhere stood up, committed their beliefs to make this world a better world!

Watch your thoughts; they become your words.  注意你的想法,他会成为你的语言;

Watch your words; they become your actions.  注意你的语言,他会成为你的行为;

Watch your actions; they become your habits.  注意你的行为,他会成为你的习惯;

Watch your habits; they become your character. 注意你的习惯,他会成为你的性格;

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. 注意你的性格,他会成为你的命运 。


问: 世上最痛?
答: 不是天打雷劈,不是永不超生。

问: 那是?
答: 一是“生离”, 抑或“死别”

作者说: 世上最痛, 非哀莫大于心死莫属。

生离死别的悲痛, 是比较具体的; 哀莫大于心死,伴随着难以理喻的绝望, 仿如九爪十八头的猛兽, 正散发歇斯底里的咆哮, 却无法乍声。

问: 还有。。。
答: 你还敢问?! 阎王要你三更死, 谁敢留人到五更?
