If there were so call end-times created by God as written in Books of Revelation, prediction by Maya in 2012, hypothetical theories such as Sun used up, massive melting of ice bergs and so on,  I would like to experience it once in my life, see how humans face the challenge of God, and how we recover from the damage of mother nature

The survivors after the Great Armageddon, would have to bear the responsibilities and honor to restart the civilization of man kind. Interesting part is, man kind hardly repent even though we knew we made a mistake, unless we reach the edge of cliff and we have no choice but to realise that there’s no way out of this world. Civilization took place thousands of years ago, but till today, we still preserved those unhumaned, animal-like features in us.

We fight, we quarrel, we lie, we cheat.

If this were to be explained by "Human consists of vice and virtues" theory, I would be sad to think that vices can easily take over our virtues in the blink of an eye. Sad? Please think on the contrary:

In any form of religion, God took the first step to forgive men, men did not took initiative to apologize and seek for forgiveness. If God waited for our apology and gave us the salvation after that, men will never be saved. Similarly, if Abraham Lincoln put his pride and selfishness as priority, enjoyed his living as President of US and never fought for the Blacks for equal rights, perhaps Blacks will still be enslaved in US. If Martin Luther King just sat at home and give up courage to march for US, the famous speech "I Have A Dream" will not exist and Black can never be President of US. If Mahatma Gandi has not committed his life to his beliefs in peace and love, India will not enjoyed Independence Day. If Sun Yat Sen is afraid to risk his life against Dynasty Qing, China will not encounter revolution and transform into a republic country.

What we have at this moment, is not what we fought for ourselves, but because of somebody in somewhere stood up, committed their beliefs to make this world a better world!

Watch your thoughts; they become your words.  注意你的想法,他会成为你的语言;

Watch your words; they become your actions.  注意你的语言,他会成为你的行为;

Watch your actions; they become your habits.  注意你的行为,他会成为你的习惯;

Watch your habits; they become your character. 注意你的习惯,他会成为你的性格;

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. 注意你的性格,他会成为你的命运 。